
At Consyst, your success is our success!

Our Partner program is an efficient way to keep a close watch on the markets and increase understanding of the various industries. This program is meant to formalize our business relations and hence to increase effectively our respective ability to reach common goals. By combining our expertises, strengths and efforts, we surpass our individual capabilities and contribute to offer better service to all of our customers.

No effort is spared to choose the best partners and to ensure that we can all quickly benefit from our synergy. Through our Partner program, you benefit from the important added value from our products, expertise and services.

Consyst has already established several business partnerships with important service and technology providers of the industry.

Consyst offers five types of partnerships:

  • Software
  • Service
  • Technology
  • Network
  • Academic.

Software partnership

Software partnership brings together businesses that complement or integrate our software with their own. These partners already sell software solutions and provide all the services. Consyst typically provides second line support services to the partner.

Service partnership

Consulting firms and systems integrators offer a large array of services including development, implementation and integration of our solutions in their projects or for their customers. Consyst can already count as service partners several businesses with international reputation.

Technology partnership

Technology partners are businesses highly specialized in technologies that aim at improving their clients' performances and methods, and widening significantly their differentiating factor.

Network partnership

Network partners specialize in vertical market software or cover particular geographical regions.

Academic partnership

As part of special agreements, our academic partners can use our products for research purposes or as teaching tools.

Levels of partnerships

Consyst fosters the development of solid, long-term business relations. We believe that each partner plays an important role within the Consyst network. This is how we can deliver a comprehensive solution to our common customers. Consyst encourages networking and cross-marketing between partners, thereby increasing visibility and improving service to customers.

Consyst offers you, through its Partner program, a range of partnerships that open the door to lucrative revenue opportunities, state-of-the-art products, top quality service and exceptional expertise.

Consyst offers three levels of partnership:

  • Promoter
  • Reseller
  • Distributor.

Benefits of becoming a partner

Consyst wishes to develop a long-term business relationship that is profitable for each partner. Consyst also thinks that networking is the best way to learn about and promote our respective products and services.

Through our Partner program, you take advantage of the added value of our products, expertise and services. In addition, the following benefits and services are offered to the partners:

  • Discount on the purchase of Consyst's products.
  • Discount of the training provided by Consyst's resources.
  • Referral bonus for sending a client to another partner.
  • Access to Consyst's resources (training, expertise, R&D, advice, support, etc.).
  • Access to a pool of promotional, descriptive and technical documents through a protected portion of Consyst's Web site.
  • Availability of beta versions of certain Consyst software products.
  • Newsletter about news and new products at Consyst.
  • Joint promotion programs, seminars, mailings.
  • Technical cooperation.
  • Technological validation.
  • Knowledge transfer.
  • Sharing of source code.
  • Onsite technical interventions.
  • Software access and installation through Internet.
  • Software installation by specialists from Consyst or other partners.
  • Display of the partner's logo and corporate summary on Consyst's Web site.
  • Addition of the partner's descriptive sheet in Consyst's promotional material.
  • Possibility of joint projects.
  • And more!

Join the ranks of Consyst's network of partners. Together we can complement our technologies and services to deliver a comprehensive solution for a broader market range.

Call us at 514-849-7431 for more information about our partnership program.