Rep++ is an MDD tool that promotes reuse, automates a large portion of the coding, shortens your sprint cycles and makes it easy to be agile.
Read more ...Rep++ for .NET is built around a centralized model, and includes powerful frameworks that address Microsoft® technologies, and specialized automation wizards.
Read more ...Our 3-minute demos explain how to fill the Rep++ model, use the model, and use Visual Studio® to create automatically .NET services and applications.
Read more ...1Collect your metadata
Import the tables and columns from an existing information system in the Rep++ model using the Rep++ update wizard.
2Use your metadata
Rep++ uses the metadata stored in the model to seamlessly adapt, through model execution, the controls attached to the fields.
3An application in 60 seconds!
Rep++ uses the metadata stored in the model and the Rep++ wizards integrated with Visual Studio®, to create an application.
3'A mobile app in a snap
Rep++ uses the information stored in the model along with a Bootstrap template to create a mobile app in a snap.